
  • "Erica is such a light. I decided to join her foundations program after constantly feeling defeated with myself. I have two children and I run a busy real estate business with my husband. It just seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day and for YEARS I have caught myself stopping and starting over on a Monday a few times a month and “failing” by Wednesday and just repeating the same vicious cycle since I was 12 years old. Erica taught me tips and tricks to help shift my mindset around weight loss and “success” when it comes to eating right. Life is so hectic and not every waking moment needs to be perfect. Which sounds like the obvious, but when someone is giving you tools and tips, it’s easier to WANT to start over in the next moment then to wait another Monday. Life is always going to be hard and phases will suck us in and if we waiting until the “perfect” time, we’re never going to be satisfied with ourselves. Erica is real and doesn’t have in all in or nothing mentality which made me love her and foundations even more. I can’t wait to continue using what’s she’s taught me and go over the foundations formula for years to come. Life is so fragile and we need to remember to live it one moment at a time and to have some grace with ourselves. Thank you Erica for what you do and for being true to you. You’re going to change the world one human at a time 🫶🏻"

  • "I decided to join the feel good foundation after a hospitalization that ultimately left me with a diagnosis that is still a mystery. I decided I needed to decrease the inflammation in my body, which likely contributed to my symptoms. Going into the group sessions I thought I lived a fairly healthy lifestyle I just needed some guidance. I was so wrong. What I thought was “ healthy,” because of the product’s marketing, was actually not healthy at all and certainly was not anti- inflammatory. While I didn’t go into this program necessarily looking to lose weight, I ended up losing 6 lbs and dropping two pant sizes as a result of making healthier choices. However, I do believe that The Feel Good Foundation is so much more than a “ diet plan.” It’s truly a lifestyle change that I believe I can continue well after 8 weeks of sessions because I feel GOOD. In these 8 weeks: I learned that if I eat a brownie on Friday, I don’t have to wait for a Monday to start my “ diet” over again. I felt encouraged to listen to music and podcasts that empower me and pump me up. I drink more water than I ever thought I could. My pantry looks completely different with foods that I know won’t make me feel like crap. I make time for movement even if it’s a walk and my alarm is set 5 minutes earlier to have me time before the craziness of the day. Erica made this entire program not only educational but fun, empowering and relatable. Even though it was a group session, she encouraged and supported me individually along the way. She was always there even if it was to tell me what drink to order out at dinner or what milk to get at Whole Foods! I thought I was just going to learn what to eat and not eat but instead I left with a complete change in my relationship with food, water, alcohol and movement. I walked away with a mindset of prioritizing how I feel and making time for myself during an extremely busy and stressful season of my life So Erica, thank you!!! You truly changed my life 🫶🏻"

  • "I am a holistic health coach, and being in this space, working with clients, I feel it's important that, no matter how long I've been coaching, I get coached myself. I've always said, "I am always my first client," and it's critical for me to experience being coached to gain different insights. I'm constantly seeking better ways to improve my own health journey and help my clients achieve results. I love being coached because it's so powerful. As I told Erica, Foundations may cover concepts I'm familiar with, but what I truly needed was Erica in my life. I've been following her for years, and we've been through similar journeys in motherhood, so I know she understands. Before I am a coach, a mom, or a wife, I am human, so I struggle with things many people do. Sometimes, we do things thinking they're right and are so used to doing them a certain way that having a coach can shift those patterns and create a meaningful experience. I felt like I was doing all the right things but realized I was sometimes doing too much in my own health and healing journey, simply because of my immersion in the health space. I needed Erica to recalibrate and help me refocus on the basics so I could continue finding joy and not just go through the motions of healthy habits that no longer felt good. It's easy for anyone to get caught up in that, especially without someone to hold us accountable. I cried and listened to Erica repeatedly because once was not enough. I'm an active person, but Erica made me approach movement in a whole new way that I'm actually enjoying more. I've also been able to shift some of my coaching approaches and strategies based on what I've learned with her. Erica has a way of explaining things that actually click, which I sometimes struggle with when coaching my own clients. It doesn't matter if you think you know it all or know very little about health and wellness; this is for you. It's for me and every woman she has coached and will coach in the future. I believe it's 1000% worth it. You're worth it. Erica, when you read this, know that I am forever grateful for you. I love you and have always told you that what you're doing is literally changing people's lives for the better. I'm such a fan of what Erica is doing, and if you're on the fence about taking Foundations or not, I can guarantee it's something you've been craving in your life without even realizing it, or perhaps it's fear holding you back. Whatever it is, lean into it, and it'll change your outlook on your health."

  • “I’ve been putting off taking control of my health & wellness for a few years now. I wanted to do it for my wedding, but it felt like a stressful time (Covid, wedding planning and spending tons of $$$ on all things wedding). I've been married for a few years, and we would like to have kids in the future and I want to be at my healthiest before for myself and my family. I knew  a lot of the basics (less sugar, moving your body is good for you, etc.), but Erica explains things in a way that is so easy to digest and gives background information on why you should do things. This background and context truly helps me make better decisions. I now have the knowledge to make decisions that will enhance my life going forward.  It's a fun course and Erica's approach makes the information digestible! She is realistic and really sets you up for success. There is so much "noise" in the health & wellness space and it's hard to know what to believe, but Erica gives you the facts. She keeps it real and encourages you to live, which makes her so approachable! I highly recommend Erica's course and hope she offers a second tier course to Foundations.”

  • “I started the feel good foundation 13 weeks postpartum. My body had just been through a miracle and even shed 20 pounds on its own in the first 6 weeks. The remaining 10 pounds hadn’t budged in the next 7 weeks. I felt stuck and frankly, scared, I was never going to look like “me” again.  By week 3 of the feel good foundations I was already seeing and FEELING a huge shift. I had a summer goal of losing ten pounds and I surpassed my goal BEFORE FINISHING the Feel Good Foundation. I took pics and did my measurements after our first call not thinking too much about it. Fast forward to week 8 when i took them again and when I looked in the mirror, I truly saw the BEST version of me both inside and out. I am so proud of me and that FEELS SO GOOD. None of it felt hard, it all felt good every step of the way. I gained so much from this program and didn’t lose anything but inches and pounds. I’ve lost 11.7 pounds and so many inches on every part of me that I am in the best shape I’ve been in since college— even better than the blood sweat and tears I put in wedding prepping for 1.5 years!!!!!! And i did it in 8 weeks!!!! 🤯 Of course, the weight feels so good off of me but what I wasn’t expecting were the mental shifts that unlocked an entire new life. I’m waking up at the crack ass of dawn before my family to create my own morning magic, I’m feeling more energized than I ever have (and hello, i have a four month old baby in a sleep regression!!!), I feel more clear on my priorities and MY WHY than ever, I’m lifting weights like I haven’t in years and never thought I’d be able to do again, I’m enjoying cooking whole foods and finding joy there I’d never felt before — & this little bonus has resulted in an extremely grateful husband 😌.  Thanks to the feel good foundation, I am doing more than I ever have and yet feel like I have more space than ever before and the capacity to take on even more. I cannot wait to see what this body and mind can do as I keep this new lifestyle I love in practice.  If you are thinking about joining, don’t think about it. Do it NOW. My entire life, my marriage, my family, my mindset, my physical self, my EVERYTHING is better forever thanks to 8 weeks of teeny tiny shifts and nudges. Ps. I’m eating more than i ever have in my life. And that includes more carbs then ever too. If you are a new mama like me, I cannot recommend this program more."

  • “I was really not in a good place in my life health-wise. The heaviest I’d ever been (including my freshman year of college), I was feeling sluggish and sad, and literally facing having to buy a whole new wardrobe. I knew I had to change, but I really didn’t feel like I could do it by myself. I had found Erica on Instagram (I recognized her as one of my favorite teachers from my pure barre days!) and I really liked the things she was posting- so positive and inspiring. It took me months of following her before I got brave enough to reach out about coaching, and when she opened up her group coaching session I knew I needed to go for it. Erica is awesome because she starts off with small steps that make a huge difference. Her approach is un-intimidating and she doesn’t ask you to give anything up. The Feel Good Formula is completely doable (it even worked for me who 100% hates cooking!), and I’ve been able to follow it even after finishing the program, something I never thought possible. I lost 10lbs in 8 weeks plus several inches. I couldn’t have been happier with this program. Thanks so much Erica!”

  • “It’s hard not to get choked up and put into words what the last 8 weeks has done for me. In full transparency, when I started on this 8 week journey I was at a very low place in my life- which I felt SUPER guilty about owning and putting into words because I was also at the HAPPIEST and lightest part of my life- becoming a momma. I worked 1:1 with Erica for almost 6 months before getting pregnant when we were tackling what started as a bloating issue which become how do we support fertility which then became lets get to the root of WHY behind not feeling good. I have always been into all things health and fitness even before my 1:1 time with Erica. I knew about what ingredients to look for, I knew the importance of movement and I knew how to control the controllable. But what I did not know was how to put those things into practice to meet myself where I was NOW. Not the girl I was a year ago. Or even 2 years ago. Now. Fast forward and I now have a 6 month old and am working full time. The idea of being able to carve time out at the gym felt so emotionally draining because all I wanted to do was spend any free time with my son. The idea of meal prepping was out the door because I was so exhausted from work/mom life that I got I was like “whatever, me last” mentality which eventually caught up with me. Big time. I started suffering from unexplained muscle twitching. I had blood work done, been to two doctors and started therapy. It wasn’t until I decided it was time to get back with my girl E that a literal light switch came back on. After call one I ignited the fire in me that I CAN be better in this new season, I WANT to be better (especially in this new season) and I KNOW how to be better now that I have completed Erica’s group course. Even after successfully completing 1:1 work with her, I would still take this course again 100x over. Why? Because I was able to take the FOUNDATION and apply it differently now. I loved being able to listen to Erica on my drives when I couldn’t attend the live sessions. It became a habit that I am SO going to miss. The community of women all trying to be better versions of themselves was a rock I also didn’t know I needed. The guidebook is now my bible and I will forever be looking back on it if I ever feel lost again. And now here we are 8 weeks later, no muscle twitching. Got my husband on the Atomic Habits kick and our house has never run smoother. I have said it once and I will say it again, it’s NOT about the food. It’s about creating the LIFE you want to live for YOU, your family and the future YOU. And I would not be where I am today without the feel good foundation. Period. "

  • “Erica is such a kind and caring health whisperer. She shares total wellness information including key insights that you’d never even think you’d need to know until you see how impactful it is day to day. She completely transformed my overall wellness routine - not just my nutrition. I have since cultivated a really meaningful morning routine, have a clearer idea of what supplements work well for me, I’ve prioritized managing stress, have a gym routine that I love, and understand the impacts of what I eat. I naturally have become someone that really cares about what I put in my body which was a a surprising but welcome result of this work. I am really proud of the positive changes that I’ve made since working with Erica and the results that I’ve seen - on the scale, with my skin, and how I feel overall. I cannot recommend working with her enough!!”

  • “The feel good foundation has changed my life for the better. Before having Erica and the feel good formula as my guides, I felt lost and overwhelmed. For over a decade I had been restricting my food intake and over exercising. When I didn’t get the results I was working so hard for I would “give up” and quit all together for months at a time. Living in these two extremes for so long made me feel hopeless about a positive relationship with food and exercise in the future. I would dread making any decisions regarding food and exercise. I couldn’t trust myself. It left me feeling anxious and defeated. After just 8 short weeks, I now approach grocery shopping, meals and movement with confidence. Through applying what Erica taught, I feel hopeful that my family and I can make decisions that make us feel really good from now on. I’m so grateful for the experience and all of the support along the way 🤍.”

  • “I have worked 1:1 with Erica on and off for over 2 years. She has been by my side in my health journey as a coach and friend through the hardest and best of times.  As soon as I saw she was offering a group class I knew I had to be a part of it! I have struggled postpartum with some of my weight loss goals and I was confident I would be able to make the changes by working with Erica again. Erica has perfectly bundled everything from her 1:1 sessions into a 8 week group program. After the first group coaching session I felt excited to make “feel good” choices again. It was inspiring to also be surrounded and supported by other women in the class. Although the class is a group setting, Erica makes an effort to make everyone feel comfortable and empowered. In just 8 weeks, I was able to lose the 10 pounds I have been at a plateau with for MONTHS. Erica gives you tools, not only for your health, but for your overall well-being. I am thankful for the feel good foundation and for Erica who continues to support me in my health and first time mama journey! If you are looking for support to make changes you are struggling to make for yourself I would strongly recommend this group coaching experience! As Erica knows, I wish I could attend every single class she has because FOMO.  Thank you, Erica, for being not only my health coach, but a true friend throughout the process.”

  • “Erica is pure sunshine. She will awaken your soul and guide you to making choices that are so easy and make sense. She has poured her soul into educating people. She doesn’t just give you a formula, instead she helps you create your own personalized way of managing your overall wellness. She dives past nutrition, she skims through fitness, she gets down into what makes you, YOU. She celebrates that everyone is different, that every single person has unique needs. She shows all of us that making sense of nutrition, fitness, stress, parenting, work, aka LIFE, surely won’t always be easy but is definitely manageable.  She teaches us that this journey is made of small habits that add up to creating a ‘Feel Good for YOU’ space. She is always there for you, always listening, always giving. Every single conversation, every single session is so genuine and heartfelt, and I could not be more grateful for her existence.”

  • “For the first time in my life I am comfortable and make it a priority to invest in MYSELF! Erica taught me more than I could ever learn from a book or online… she made me feel comfortable with saying YES to myself, and for this I am forever grateful. I’ve spent my entire life saying yes to others or not thinking twice on spending money on materialistic things but always said “NO” or giving excuses when it was something for myself and my health. Now I make it a priority to invest in myself- spiritually, mentally, and physically!   Erica provided me the tools to create an environment for myself that makes me FEEL GOOD! My migraines went away, my bloating went away, and for once I have the energy I’ve always wanted but most importantly, I gained the motivation to keep going! Thank you Erica, for teaching me how to FEEL GOOD in my own skin and embrace the season of life we are each in!”

  • “I am well over 60 years old, and in many ways have become complacent. I am a card-carrying codependent . . .  putting others' needs before my own. I stopped cold in my tracks when seeing the invitation to join Erica's "The Feel Good Foundation" coaching sessions as it came across my computer screen. Divine intervention.... OH HELL YES!  There was fear and some hesitation but I clicked and signed up.  I thought "I don't do these types of things for ME." I had trusted Erica previously with an exercise regimen. Why not trust her again?  She has honed her skills in the areas of life coaching and nutrition, adding to her already overflowing toolbox of achievements and talents. I have been struggling with self-care, as caring for elderly parents has taken a front row seat in my daily schedule.  Erica guided our diverse group of women with precision and accuracy. She had us on a Facebook group so we could bond and air our dirty laundry (or poor choices in food/thoughts/activities...as none of us were perfect). I wasn't able to get on the weekly calls, but felt assured that I could keep up with the recordings on my own time.  Erica was always just an email away, should I need that smile of hers, or kick in the a$$. She did not disappoint. The value I received continues, as I implement her "tips" and "tactics" into my crazed existence.  It adds comfort knowing that I am not alone and that Erica is just a call away.  If you are on the fence, working with Erica is well worth your efforts. Be prepared, as she has the ability to change you into your BEST SELF. Good luck!”

  • "I signed up for the feel good foundation because I was trying to find balance in life as a whole and just feel good in general. For the past few years, I would often notice how some days I would feel heavy and not my best self. With the feel good foundation, I was able to identify foods that triggered this feeling without having to eliminate them as a whole! Some of the topics had information I knew from the past but hearing it in a different light was something I needed. When I followed the feel good foundation, cravings I would often have literally disappeared and the want for foods I was trying to avoid became non-existent.  I knew that feel good foundation wasn’t going to just be about losing weight but more about having an improved lifestyle. Mentally this has been something I craved and wanted but could never get there. These sessions really helped me, they made me look at food differently, and the choices I made daily for myself. I started to feel differently when putting clothes on, sitting at my desk, the reduction of bloating and reduced 9pm cravings. This foundation is something that will stick with me forever and is maintainable.  The weekly sessions were such a blessing and became something I looked forward to every week. It was crazy, even when I missed a week and watched the following week or later… the topics were always so relevant to me in the moment - it was exactly what I needed to hear.  As someone who joined from another country, the feel good foundation speaks volumes. It is achievable for anyone and reaches many audience. Every session felt like I was sitting there right with Erica. I look forward to maintaining and getting to the best version of me!"