the feel good foundation

a 6-week experience to feeling good in your body and in your life.

i'm so excited to invite you to join my course, foundations!

as a certified health & nutrition coach, i've spent years helping women from all walks of life take control of their health through mentally healing their relationship with food, their bodies and their overall health.

this course is the culmination of my experience and is designed to provide you with the guidance and tools you need to finally start seeing results and transform your life to feel good day in and day out.

get ready for 6 weeks of weekly 1 hour Zoom sessions with me in addition to a 25+ page guidebook which will serve as your health & wellness roadmap that you'll use throughout our time together and beyond.

are you ready to finally quiet all that noise in your head and learn how food actually works? and how to truly create a healthy lifestyle you don’t end up feeling like you need a break from?

this program is designed to guide you towards a happier, healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

here's what you can expect from our weekly sessions:

  • start by setting the tone for your wellness journey with visualization techniques grounded in your current season of life. i’ll help you discover what your version of healthy looks and feels like, and what you need to let go of in order to make this shift. in addition to give you the tools to clearly track your progress and weekly wins.

    we’ll then cover how to create space in your home and in your life to set you up for success on your health journey. including swaps to make, ingredients to focus on and my best tips, tricks and tools that are total game changers when it comes to making healthy not feel so hard.

  • learn the importance of real, whole foods, and how to actually prioritize them in your diet for optimal health. we'll breakdown how macronutrients work in your body and introduce the feel good formula so you can feel confident with your decisions each and every time you eat.

  • expand your knowledge with important to understand topics such as why we need to eat to balance our blood sugar and hunger hormones and how we can use different health tools to reach our goals. you’ll learn how to build your meals and track them as you go without it feeling overwhelming and consuming.

  • discover how to incorporate movement into your routine in a way that feels meaningful and enjoyable while getting the most bang for your buck.

  • learn how to bring it all together by taking ownership of your wellness journey. we'll cover how to change your mindset through creating healthy habits and real life tools for protecting your peace. these things are a crucial part of your health journey in order to not just get consistent, but stay consistent which is ultimately the thing that will get you to your goal.

  • you did it! you laid the foundation to your health & wellness journey. man didn’t that feel good?!

    i’ll provide you a bit more clarity on how to make it all work for you and clue you in on which health hacks are worth the buzz to support you best on your wellness journey. i’ll also show you how to implement them in addition on how to incorporate simple resets into your routine as needed.

“I had a summer goal of losing ten pounds and I surpassed my goal BEFORE FINISHING the feel good foundation. I took pictures and did my measurements after our first call not thinking too much about it. Fast forward to our final week when I took them again and when I looked in the mirror, I truly saw the BEST version of me both inside and out. I am so proud of me and that FEELS SO GOOD. none of it felt hard, it all felt good every step of the way. i gained so much from this program and didn’t lose anything but inches and pounds.”

transform your life and overcome your wellness struggles with the feel good foundation.

investing in yourself is crucial if you're tired of feeling stuck.

enroll in the feel good foundation today.

join me on the journey you and i both know you have been craving.


  • 6 weeks of hourly Zoom sessions with me, a 25+ page detailed guidebook aimed at enhancing your comprehension of nutrition and wellness and bolstering your self-assurance, along with homework each week so you have a clear action plan on what you should be focusing on week over week.

  • rest assured that the feel good foundation offers nutrition coaching that is customized to your specific dietary needs and preferences. our program provides you with the tools to create a personalized feel-good formula that can easily be adapted to any diet restrictions you may have.

  • we totally get it if you're feeling unsure about investing in this program, although we do not offer refunds, we're confident that the feel good foundation will equip you with lasting change and transformational results. our clients come from all different walks of life and consistently report feeling empowered to achieve their wellness goals across the board.

  • email me directly at to get on my schedule! I work with my 1:1 clients weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and as needed. together, we can find what cadence will support you best!